Parts from the same vehicle. NOTICE: CUSTOMS OR IMPORT FEES FOR SHIPMENTS OUTSIDE THE EUROPEAN UNION WILL ALWAYS BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE BUYER. All our orders for used spare parts and car parts will be delivered within 24/48 working hours from Monday to Friday. In the Peninsula and Portugal. The delivery times for car parts and spare parts are counted from the moment the order leaves our warehouse.
In some cases, our online sales team will contact you to inform or ask for clarifications or information about the product part number, features, compatibilities, OEM references. Returns will be accepted within 15 working days from the date of receipt of the merchandise by the customer, provided that the conditions stated on this page are met as per Article 44 of the 1996 law on retail trade amended in 2002.Our parts have a unique reference. They are sealed to prevent any tampering, as well as photographed, to justify their condition.
In accordance with Law 47/2002 on retail trade, consumables that have been unsealed or whose internal identification marks have been tampered with.