Original Alfa Romeo Alfetta Fuel Gauge for 1.6, 1.8, and 2.0 models. Part number 116003205002, brand new. This item comes from old stock, so there may be signs of storage. We offer Alfa, Fiat, and Lancia spare parts, both new and used, from 1960 to today.
Customs and tax fees will be charged by the authorities and paid directly by you. We ship within 3 days of receiving payment, and also offer international shipping. Shipping costs can be found in the auction. We also offer discounts on shipping for multiple item purchases. We have many other spare parts in stock, so if you need rare parts for your classic car or new parts for your modern Alfa, just ask. We specialize in Italian spare parts, offering Alfa Romeo spare parts for all types of vehicles from 1960 to today. We offer installation services for an additional fee.